Working with the Training & Awareness Dashboard

This article describes the Training & Awareness Dashboard data and the options for viewing and working with the data.

Training & Awareness Dashboard

The Training & Awareness Dashboard, accessed by selecting Training & Awareness > View All Training Campaigns, shows a list of your organization’s training campaigns. Campaign data is updated every five minutes, but this page must be refreshed to display the updated data.

Campaign status cards

For MSP and MME organizations, the campaign status cards show the statistics for all training campaigns of all the SMB organizations associated with the MSP and MME.

For SMB organizations, the campaign status cards show the statistics of all training campaigns for the SMB organization only.

Each card is described below:

  • No Action: The No Action card conveys the number of users who did not open the training campaign emails they received.
  • Emails Opened: The Emails Opened card shows the number of users who opened the training campaign emails but did not click the link to the training portal.
  • Opened Training: The Opened Training card displays the number of users who opened the training campaign emails, clicked the link to the training portal, and opened the training course.
  • Completed Training: The Completed Training card shows the number of users who finished the training course with a Completed or Failed status.

The first number in each card conveys the number of targets for which the status applies. The second number indicates the total number of training emails that were sent. Also, the first number is presented as a percentage of the total number.

In the example above, in the No Action card, of the 200 targets that received campaign emails, 189 targets (94%) did not open the emails.

Training & Awareness Dashboard table

The Training & Awareness Dashboard table data is described below:

  • Campaign: Name of the campaign.
  • Course: Name of the course attached to the campaign. A campaign entry is listed for each course in the campaign, allowing you to easily track data for each course.
  • Service: Method and order by which campaign emails are sent. Examples include SMTP, Graphus, SMTP + Graphus, and Graphus + SMTP.
  • Status: Conveys the point at which the campaign is in processing. See the Status section below.
  • Opened Training Rate: The number of targets who opened the training course out of the total number of emails sent. Shown as a percentage as well (e,g., 10% (10/100)).
  • Completed Training Rate: The number of targets who finished the training course with a Completed or Failed status out of the total number of emails sent. Shown as a percentage as well (e,g., 4% (1/26)).
  • Date Created: Date and time the campaign was created. By default, the campaign list is sorted by the Date Created field, with the most recently created campaigns listed first.

NOTE  The table data can be sorted by the Campaign, Status, and Date Created fields.

How to...